School grounds and facilities

Our children's garden overlooks the beautiful chateau of Saint-Nom-la-Bretêche. The chateau was originally part of the King Louis XIV domaine in 1700. It has recently been classified as a 'monument historique'

La maison des enfants // The children's house

Nos deux classes accueillent des enfants de 3 à 6 ans dans nos Maisons des enfants:  "Cottage Children's House" et "Orangerie Children's House". Ces classes comportent:

  • un coin lecture,
  • le matériel pour les mathématiques,
  • le matériel de la vie pratique,
  • le matériel de géographie et de la culture,
  • le matériel sensoriel
  • le matériel pour le développement du langage
  • un coin musique
  • un coin art
  • un grand jardin pédagogique avec des arbres fruitiers  
  • un cours de récréation avec un jardin aromatique et matériel pour les activités d'éducation physique et de sport

There are two Children's House classes. One located in the cottage and the other in the Orangerie. Both classrooms are located on the ground floor and include several work areas among which include :

  • a reading corner,
  • an area with all of the practical life materials
  • materials for mathematics,
  • materials for geography and knowledge about the world,
  • sensorial materials
  • language materials (in English and in French)
  • a music area
  • an artistic section
  • outdoor pedagogical gardens with fruit trees (apples/plums/cherries)
  • outdoor playground area with a herb garden as well as material for sport (balls, hula hoops, cones, bicycles..)

L'école élémentaire / Elementary school classrooms

Les classes 6/9 et 9-12 ans ans sont situées dans l'Orangerie et au premier étage du Cottage. 


The 6 to 9 and 9-12 elementary years old classrooms are located on the first floor of the Orangerie and the Cottage.  


The elementary school includes :

  • French/English/Mathematics and Numeracy/Geometry classroom
  • History, science/geography and art classroom
  • Library area
  • Music room (private piano and violin lessons are available)
  • Outdoor pedagogical gardens including fruit trees (apple, cherry, plum)
  • Playground area including herb garden
  • Outdoor materials area for sport and physical education (P.E.) including mini football goals

La classe d'anglais / The English classroom

La diversification se fait progressivement avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais. Au début, les enfants qui commencent leurs apprentissages en anglais se focalisent sur des thèmes plus simples. Les enfants plus aguerris en anglais à leur entrée dans l'école débutent directement avec des matières d'anglais, science et la géographie en anglais.


Children with a more basic level in the English language focus on developing their rudimentary language skills while also learning about science and geography. As each non-bilingual child's English skills develops, they will take on ever more challenging work.


Children who are fluent or bilingual in English deepen their knowledge and understanding of geography and science. They will further their creative writing abilities as well as oral and written comprehension.

La cours de récréation / The children's garden

La cours de récréation du Cottage est recouverte d'un revêtement drainant empêchant les enfants de se faire mal en tombant et de rentrer couvert de boue.


The Cottage children's garden has been entirely renovated with a synthetic surface. This has helped ensure the safety of the children and has been particularly effective at preventing the surface from getting muddy during the Winter months.


The Orangerie school gardens are used for pedagogical visits and exploration of the faune and flora. Apple trees, cherry trees, a kiwi vine, a frog pond, a sand pit and a rose garden can be found on the grounds of the Orangerie school gardens. The forest of Mareil-Marly is located just a short walk from the school.

School is located in les Yvelines - 78  - West of Paris, France

Rentrée 2025-2026

Pour la rentrée 2025, les inscriptions se déroulent à partir du 15 janvier 2025. Nous vous invitons à organiser une "visioconférence" ou une visite avec notre directrice.


>> Renseignements


Inscriptions possibles toute l'année.


Enrolment may occur during the school year subject to places being available.

2025-2026 Registrations

New pupil enrolment will be taking place from 15th January 2025.  Please arrange a video conference call or visit with our school director today to find out more.


>> Contact us

"N'élevons pas nos enfants pour le monde d'aujourd'hui, ce monde n'existera plus lorsqu'ils seront grands; préparons-les à celui de demain".

- Maria Montessori